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At this time, we are evaluating each startups' application. It will take a few days as we need to go through carefully. After the evaluation, we will select about 15 most promising startups and invite them to attend BootCamp - the 2nd round of selection process. The event will take place on 16th and 17th of March in Liberec, Czech Republic.
Also, we would like to thank our strategic partner ITACA business incubator, our ecosystem partners South Moravian Innovation Centre, Central Bohemian Innovation Center, TECHNOLOGICKÉ CENTRUM Hradec Králové, BIC Plzen - Business and Innovation Centre, Impact Hub Praha, ICUK - Innovation centre of the Usti region, EY and DEPO 2015 and also to CzechInvest for active and effective promotion of DEXIC Accelerator.
Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/accelerator.