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Live Circular Canvas

Everything is complete, you're ready to go start with LiveCircularCanvas!

The Live Circular Canvas project and all its deliverables have been successfully completed and tested and are now ready for all those interested in circular entrepreneurship education.

Become a circular entrepreneur

On 14 and 15 May, a special workshop on sustainable entrepreneurship will be held for students of secondary and higher education. Be there and discover the circular entrepreneur in you!

We created video stories of circular companies for the training programme

In Aarhus, all partners were trained as a basis for educating young people in the participating regions.

We learn to learn know how to work with the Live Circular Canvas educational program

In Aarhus, all partners were trained as a basis for educating young people in the participating regions.

18 companies, 18 cases of successful social entrepreneurship

18 companies from the participating regions opened their doors for us and gave us an insight into their business.

Czech Experts evaluated current trends in the field of circular economics

As part of the mapping of individual regions involved in the Live Circular Canvas project, we asked experts in the field of responsible and circular business about their views on the current situation in the Czech Republic. The questions were answered by Soňa Jonášová from Institut cirkulární ekonomiky (INCIEN), Dan Heuer from Fair Venture and Bára Kebová, Zachraň Jídlo z.s.

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