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What is V4 SUF and what can it bring you?
The V4 Startup Force program is a three-week hybrid program during which you receive hands-on mentoring to prepare you for tailored business meetings in all four countries. During the programme you receive hands-on mentoring to prepare you for tailored business meetings in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The first two weeks happen online and then finish off with offline days in Budapest.
With the support of the International Visegrad Fund and our partners from Poland (StartupHub Poland), Slovakia (Campus Cowork) and Hungary (Design Terminal), we will help you to build cross-border business relations during the three-week hybrid program.
Become one of the 20 teams that are invited to a virtual Bootcamp. Workshops, business mentoring, and community events lead the way to the Demo Day after which we select the four winning teams who get to participate in the V4 Startup Force program and receive a scholarship.
More about the programme: https://v4startupforce.designterminal.org/
Who is the V4+ Innobooster programme for?
Innobooster is an accelerator Programme for startups from the V4 and Ukraine. Wolves Summit, in partnership with ISE Accelerator, Startup Campus and us, has launched the Innobooster Accelerator.
The 4-week online programme consists of 6 workshops and 2 hands-on mentoring sessions - focusing on fundraising, sales and scaling.
Now, we are looking for 15 tech startups from the V4 countries and Ukraine with post-MVP solutions in Education, ER, Mental Health, Clean re-building, Environmental restoration, HealthCare, EdTech, ClimateTech, Energy and Sustainability.
What will you get?
Learn more about our programme here: www.innobooster.wolvessummit.com