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Young generations have the potential to be pro-active engines of innovation and become change-makers in their local communities. However, 62% of young people in Central and Eastern Europe are not interested in starting their own business, whereas one in five would like to, but consider it too difficult. That's the reason why DEX Innovation Centre became a partner of the project New Generation Skills, starting now in Liberec and other partner countries and cities such as Hungary (Budapest), Slovenia (Maribor), Romania (Cluj), Austria (Graz), Bulgaria (Sofia) and Serbia (Belgrade).
Project New Generation Skills aims to motivate young people to summarize their ideas and grow them into the successful business and social innovation solutions. This needs a change of mind-set and improved competences of all representatives of innovation ecosystems. For Liberec and its region it means that within thirty months of the project´s duration (January 2017 - July 2019), we will improve the innovation management, prepare municipalities for facilitating the process, create a cooperation based and friendly environment for youth innovation called Innovation Labs and develop and test educational programme for boosting business skills of the youth.
Thanks to different activities of the project, such as local workshops, cross-visits, international meetings, learning sessions and international exchange of experience we will create the learning programme and also a skill development programme for our local Innovation Lab and also run the pilot implementation to prove the concept and measure the impact. This will lead to the creation the Youth Innovation Agenda and Local Action Plans.
Youngsters from Liberec and the region aged 15-29 will be able to join the developed learning programme, participate in international innovation camp and idea fair. City, region, NGOs, local SMEs, education and research organizations and mentors/coaches will be able to work together on creating a better environment in the city/region for boosting youngster entrepreneurship and social innovation activities.
For more information on the project, please visit http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/newgenerationskills or our project page.
Few photos from the project kick-off meeting including press conference in Budapest is available below. DEX Innovation Centre had the opportunity to present Liberec and the region and talk about all planned activities within the project.