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Which challenges does the project MEET target?

Multiple crises and subsidy challenges (COVID, war in Ukraine, climate) are a growing threat to young people's mental health and wellbeing. MEET is responding to the rising numbers of mental illness among 10-19 year olds - particularly among vulnerable groups of young people.

For whom is MEET?

Which objectives has the project MEET?

MEET will contribute to building capacities for youth mental health promotion in formal and non-formal education and training through the development of inclusive and innovative tools and materials for educators and social workers and youth at risk, and by integrating mental health programs and guidance in education policy bringing together various practitioners and policy stakeholders of different levels in AT, BA, BG, CZ, HU, MD, RO, RS, SK, SI and UA.

What are the expected outputs of the project?

Do you want to ask us about MEET?

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