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Which challenges does the project MyVa target?

Despite living in an ever-changing world, where radical innovation affects all industries, much of business and enterprise training and education are based on outdated teaching methods and content.  

MyVA will develop a mini business MBA Training Package that will benefit VET teacher/trainers and young people (Millennials) interested in setting up their own Virtual Agency.

For whom is MyVa?

What are the objectives of MyVa project?

MyVa aims to improve the capacity of VET teacher/trainers to improve their knowledge and understanding of the concept of the solopreneur and their needs. 

MyVA will help VET centres to adapt to the new COVID19 environment by building on past lessons and creating a set of practical tools and a new MyVA Mini MBA course. It will also help VET centres and teacher/trainers to implement digital learning tools into their VET courses.

What are the outputs of the project?

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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