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Organized by Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia, the workshop was attended by project partners from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and, of course, the representatives of our DEX Innovation Centre.
A number of Slovenian actors from the field of innovative solutions for home care presented their experiences. As an example of good practice, Telekom Slovenije introduces a new service E-Care which enables elderly, people with disabilities, patients with chronic diseases and persons with dementia to live more independent life in their home. The service also helps prevent the premature departure in institutional care.
Other examples of good practice were presented by project partners from Hungary and Poland. Four interactive working groups discussed methods and ways of boosting innovations in healthcare and bringing innovative home care solutions quicker to the market. 3rd International Thematic Workshop provided many opportunities to exchange experiences and good practices for home care in many European regions.
Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).