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We are very glad to announce that PPI2Innovate tools for SMART HEALTH, SMART ICT, SMART ENERGY have been successfully customized into all (6 countries) national frameworks.
Together 18 nationally fully customized PPI2Innovate SMART tools represent a far-reaching asset for Central-European region and its public procurers for an active and strategically guided usage focused on development of innovation-friendly local and national ecosystems.
Full versions are available in ENG, HU, CZ, SI, IT, PL, HR on our project website from April 2018.
Innovation Procurement was the main topic of the 1st PPI2Innovate Days held on October 3, 2017 in Lublin, Poland. Event was organized by Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (RRDA).
The main point of the program was the presentation given by an external expert at the European Commission in the field of PPI, Ms. Sara Bedin. During the presentation, the keynote speaker explained what innovative contracts are and how the European Commission sees them. She pointed out the roles and tasks that stand before the contracting authorities. Ms. Bedin explained the position of the European Commission on innovation in procurement.
The event was ended by moderated Panel Discussion where Ms. Sara Bedin, Professor Gabriella Racca, University of Turin, and Ms. Anna Wojtowicz-Dawid, Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (RRDA), participated and talked about the opportunities for social and economic development and environmental changes in the context of spending public funds on innovative procurement.
In each territory we are performing mapping process including 30 different public procurers (per territory) and their potential PPI2Innovate projects. Later on, we will select and elaborate on 8 the most promising projects (48 total) and formulate 6 Maps (1 per territory).
The main objective of mapping is to support implementation of Public procurement of innovation (PPI) projects, creation of awareness, identify new PPI projects and support them.
If you are interested in PPI or if you have PPI need or project idea, get in touch with national contact points: HU-Somogy, HU-CTRIA, CZ, SI-Ministry, SI-Ljubljana ICT, IT -Piemonte, IT-Turin, PL-Rzeszow, PL-Lublin, HR.
4 PPI pilots, in order to strengthen linkages, to apply trans-regional “learning by doing approach” and to show good practice stories in 4 Central-European regions, are progressing and moving towards its fruitful implementation.
We will soon have practical experiences from 4 pilot projects on all government levels from different countries and therefore we will be able to provide more sophisticated support of PPI paradigm and will be more successful with our networking activities.
4 pilots using all 3 Thematic PPI2Innovate tools at 4 different governance levels will start with the design of innovative public service or solution, get policy level approval, go through complete tender procedure & sign the contract with winner.
There will be:
1. SMART energy local PPI project (Lublin, Poland)
2. SMART health county PPI project (Somogy County, Hungary)
3. SMART energy regional PPI project (Piemonte region, Italy)
4. SMART ICT national PPI project (Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia).
Implementation of 4 Pilots will demonstrate successful procurements of innovative public services or solutions using PPI.
Looking forward to:
• PPI2Innovate Regional Trainings in Czech republic and Slovenia (May, 2018)
• 2nd PPI2Innovate Days in Zagreb, Croatia (October 2018)
With kind regards,
PPI2Innovate Team
OUR WEB: http://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/PPI2Innovate.html