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18 Case studies, 18 stories of inspiring companies, 10 videos of selected entrepreneurs, as well as an online learning tool and curriculum, all prepared and tested together with our partners during our pilots with students, unemployed, as well as other target groups.
In our case, we prepared a two-day workshop for those interested in circular entrepreneurship based on the developed outputs and worked together with them on their own business ideas. We met not only with students but also with teachers, not only at the workshop but also at an online event that we also prepared for those who wanted to learn more about Live Circular Canvas.
What can you do now? Visit the website where you can find all the mentioned outputs, get to know the stories of our circular entrepreneurs, learn or in turn educate others. Just visit and be there with us.
Thank you to all our partners who helped us to create another interesting tool for teaching and learning, this time on the topic of circular entrepreneurship.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.