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The extension of the HoCare project was requested as part of the 5th IE call for proposals to map regional/national policy responses to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the project's subject area (Delivery of Innovative Solutions for Home Care by Strengthening Quadruple Helix Collaboration in Regional Innovation Chains). As a result, the objectives set for this new initiative are as follows:
- Further exchange of experiences on how the crisis affects the issues addressed and on possible measures to face and recover from the crisis,
- to further improve regional development policies in order to better face this unprecedented situation and recover more quickly.
A new output is the REGIONAL REPORT on the state of scientific care in the Czech Republic.
This regional report gathers information from the region on (a) the state of research and development in home care and (b) the state of quadripartite cooperation in research and development. The information contained in the partners' regional reports and the regional examples of good practice identified will form the basis of a new process of exchange on how the crisis is affecting the issues addressed and on possible measures to face and recover from the crisis. Again, the aim is to further improve regional development policies to better face this unprecedented situation and to recover more quickly from it.
The report is available now and can be viewed in the attached file.
REGIONAL REPORT on the state of scientific care in the Czech Republic.