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InnoSchool initiative focuses on adolescents of age 17-18 years and tackles the need for system change to support weak entrepreneurial culture and low engagement to social innovation entrepreneurship. The general objective of InnoSchool is to strengthen social innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of secondary schools´ students by development and introduction of highly innovative Learning System.
How we decided to achieve InnoSchool general objective? 11 members from 9 countries from Danube territory (including also partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Moldavia) will cooperate to realize activities in the framework of 2nd call of Interreg Danube Programme.
As Jan described during his presentation, there are 3 key steps to achieve InnoSchool goals:
Currently, the members of InnoSchool initiative reached the point, when further funding is needed. Therefore we apply to 2nd call of Interreg Danube Programme and the project is currently under evaluation. We hope to provide soon positive news.