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This Good Practice Catalogue was prepared in the frames of the Danube TalentMagnet project – “Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention in the Danube Region” – which addresses major societal challenges caused by the outmigration of highly-educated young people, primarily from small and medium sized towns in the Danube Region.
The TalentMagnet project aims to strengthen multilevel governance, improve institutional capacities to reduce the outmigration of talented young workforce and to create practical tools to attract and retain talent – tailored to the specific needs of small and medium sized cities. In the framework of the TalentMagnet project, several contents are developed in the field of talent attraction and retention. At each of the good practice there is a table with categories: Mobility; Buildings and public spaces; Quality jobs, functioning labour market; Business environment and ecosystem; HR development, education, lifelong learning; Housing; Quality public services; Recreation and cultural offer; Unique image, marketing, communication; Welcoming talent and Attracting investors. Respective categories are highlighted at each good practice. There are different types of good practices in the collection, some of them are rather huge comprehensive packages, Good Practice Catalogue of Talent Attraction and Retention while others are individual projects or actions. In each description the underlying issue or challenge behind the initiative is explained, the tools and methods are described and realised, or expected benefits and impacts are also demonstrated.
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Project co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)