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The association Ženy ze Severu (Women of the North) was founded more than 2 years ago when six women decided to connect and share. This community of women is active in Liberec. One of the main goals is to create positive and inspiring networking events that bring women together in the region and across specialisations. Ženy ze Severu association creates a safe environment for sharing among women. We bring you an interview with two of the co-founders, Hana Křenková (attorney) and Zuzana Pětníková (CMO at own marketing agency).
When and where exactly was the Ženy ze Severu association (your wonderful community of women) founded?
Zuzana: The initiative has been running for just over 2 years. Before that, each of us was actively involved in other organizations and one day the idea of connecting women and sharing common ideas came up. We wanted to try and connect different communities of women who are connected by the region and can help each other.
Hana: When we initially worked in our own organisations, we gradually realised that we had similar target groups and we were unnecessarily exhausting ourselves organising events separately for each of our associations/initiatives. Gradually we started to contact each other as organisers and in September 2023 it will be exactly two years since we organised the first Ženy ze Severu event.
What exactly does Ženy ze Severu do? What do you have in common besides the location ("North")?
Hana: We organize events focused on education, development, support and community building. The goal is to create a unique community of women without professional barriers, provide specialized events and workshops for women's development, promote networking, and build a network of contacts that will respond to women's individual needs. It brings us together to network, meet and share our experiences.
How many Ženy ze Severu are there now?
Zuzana: The main part of the team, i.e. the core team, is made up of 6 women - each from a different field, from marketing, law, IT, construction industry, business or HR. We meet around 60 women and girls at events.
Do you operate only in Liberec?
Zuzana: So far we have events only in Liberec, but women from all over the Liberec region and beyond come to us. By the end of the year, we plan to start events in Turnov or Jablonec nad Nisou.
For whom does Ženy ze Severu do its activities? What are the main themes of Ženy ze Severu?
Hana: Our events are aimed at a wide audience, both for aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs, women on parental leave, girls who are still studying or employees who are interested in personal development and want to further their education. The main topic is personal development, strategies in business, self-presentation, time management and everything around marketing.
What has been the biggest event you have done so far?
Hana: So far, the most participants were at the last event, which took place in April 2023 at Lipo.ink and the speaker was Katarína Morvai on the topic of positive leadership. There were over 60 women. It was also our first paid event and we sold out 3 days after the registration opened, which was almost a month before the event.
What does the Ženy ze Severu association do most now?
Zuzana: Social events aimed at positive and inspiring networking. We try to meet regularly and invite interesting guests. We choose the theme of the meetings according to the wishes of the women who attend the events. Thanks to the feedback we have, we manage to choose relevant topics. For example, Aneta Martinek Holky z Marketingu, Marcel Fáber Founder of the Společnost profesionálních koučů or Katarína Morvai came to give a lecture on Positive Leadership.
How are you different from other women's initiatives and associations?
Zuzana: We are certainly different in that we have combined several areas and operate in the region. Most of the associations are linked to the theme. For us, we are open to themes, it is important to have a safe environment for sharing.
Hana: As Zuzana says, we are each from a completely different field, so we don't limit ourselves to one topic. We also live in different cities, and this along with our different professions gives us a diverse network of contacts.
For example, you also cooperate with Lipo.ink. What type of cooperation is it and what does it bring to Ženy ze Severu? Who else do you cooperate with?
Hana: Lipo.ink is our main partner for larger events. It provides us with the premises including all the equipment, refreshments and promotion of the event. Lipo.ink also has a great location because it is in the centre of Liberec. We are still negotiating with other partners and figuring out the form of cooperation.
Are you accepting new girl members?
Hana: So far we are only focusing on organizing events and there are no members other than the founders. We are still collecting ideas and experiences from other associations. We want to have it well thought out so that membership makes sense. I think next year we might open membership to others.
How do you imagine your future?
Zuzana: The goal is to have a community around us that will support each other.
Hana: I see our future as creating a unique community open to all women, regardless of their professional background, and organizing specialized events and workshops that reflect the current needs of women.
What haven't we asked that would be good to know?
Hana: By the end of the year, we plan to expand the activities of Ženy ze Severu to social networks, specifically Instagram and LinkedIn. With this step we want to get closer to a wider audience and present our activities and projects to the public.
Thank for open and inspiring interview.
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