Findings from this research will be the base for designing and developing the first prototype of SMART4MD application, which aims to help people with mild dementia with their treatment and quallity of life and also their carers and healthcare professionals.
A summary in czech langauge as well as the full report in english are available for download below.
Our special thanks in the Czech Republic goes to: MUDr. Alena Jiroudková, Mgr. Lucie Ptáčková, MUDr. Pavla Ticháčková a Mgr. Tomáš Nikolai PhD., REVA o.p.s., Centrum zdravotní a sociálné péče Liberec, Dům seniorů - Liberec Františkov, odbor sociálních věcí Krajského úřadu v Liberci, tiskový odbor města Liberec and Komunitní středisko Kontakt.