Main Project Objective: Raise the awareness of the public and private sector, and also the citizens towards the challenges and opportunities in the area of Industry 4.0
Regional Relevance: Industry 4.0 processes encompass the digitalization of production processes based on devices autonomously communicating with each other along the value chain. It considers the potential of the initiative and business paradigm changes and impacts of this transformation. As the V4 regions are a bit behind the Industry 4.0 leader countries like Germany and Austria; the project is aiming by sharing information, knowledge and best practices via organizing regional- and international workshops for the stakeholders that could be adopted to increase the gains and limit the threats from Industry 4.0.
Lead Partner: INNOSKART Business Development Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
Project Partners: DEX Innovation Centre (Czech Republic), Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu W Dabrowie Górniczej (Poland), Aj Ty v IT (Slovakia).
Duration: 9/2017 – 12/2018