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Requested are dual partners from any territory of Central Europe. To ensure the impactful implementation we seek for the combination of so called Policy Partners (public body at national/regional level with governance competence to manage the content of curricula for Elementary School) supported by Innovation Partners.
The general objective of SoDiCE project is to improve skills and entrepreneurial competencies for advancing economic and social innovation in central European regions. The project will deliver systematic changes in territorial curricula, by an inclusion of highly innovative Learning System to build a positive attitude towards social entrepreneurship.
Main innovation lays in development of new highly innovative learning system which will introduce a highly attractive combination of serious game, digital kits/tools for kids, social media engagement and element of interschool competitions. Other important innovation will be the delivery of systematic change by the introduction of this Learning System to territorial Curricula. Although SoDiCE is not the follow-up project, it addresses challenges/priorities of the following initiatives: Social Business Initiate, Rethinking Education, Entrepreneurship2020 Action Plan, Agenda for new skills and jobs and The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition.
Please send your expression of interest to:
Petra Cisarova