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Monday afternoon, the audience got an inspiration from flourishing companies that have already found their way in regional as well as international markets. These were Via Alta, BigClown, Direct Payment and Biano. David Spacil from 60seconds.com shared his experience with an unsuccessful project and showed what could be gained from it. The whole program ended with an exchange of contacts and experience during the final networking session.
Could you explain in four minutes what is your business about and persuade an investor to invest in your project? That was the task for competitors. During the weekend DEXIC Boot Camp, they were preparing for a public exhibition under the guidance of experienced mentors from Česká spořitelna, Wunderman or from an international startup competition PowerUp! Lenka Hanušová from Voucherino.com adds: "It was fantastic. During the weekend we improved incredibly. I am leaving not only with the presentation but also with the business plan."
The contest was attended by seven startups who succeeded in the competition of 27 projects and were selected as the best. They are startups that develop products and services in the area of information and communication technologies. Two of them, Voucherino.com and GDPR Support 4 All, are from the Liberec Region. The next five, ImpromptMe, ApuTime, Language Teacher's Hub, Smart Record and winning Whalebone have international ambitions. That is why some of the pitches were given in English.
The jury consisting of Nikola Rafaj from StartupYard, Antonín Ferdan from Škoda Auto, Jaroslav Demel from the Student Business Club at the Technical University of Liberec, Jan Mašek from CzechInvest and the representative of organizer Jan Kubalík, DEX Innovation Centre, chose a winner. They evaluated not only the content of the presentation and the quality of the business plan but also the ability to present well, perform on stage and convince the project's meaningfulness. "Thanks you to all mentors. I felt I am better and better with each new presentation. It was my first public appearance and I won," says Richard Malovich from Whalebone.
We have also prepared another program - DEXIC Accelerator for startups. This will take place in May and June in the Liberec European House under the auspices of the Liberec Region. This is an intensive program where mentors and people with experience in business will individually work with startups , will bring their experience, a new look at their projects and teach them to "think big".
The event took place in the Framework of Danube Transnational Program, Accelerator project.
Project co-funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA).