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2021 program reference from Ing. Karolina Kašparová, Manager for transfer technology, Office for Research and Quality, Masaryk University: 

"Participating in the EIT Health Sci Fi program 2021 (From Scientists to Innovators for Industry) was a 3-month intense journey. The program offers powerful learning modules focused on design thinking, understanding the customer, pricing, market access, and more. Participants get exposed to industry experts and positions while building a solid professional network and enhancing innovation mindset, including curiosity, openness, ambition to achieve things. Gained competencies are essential both in academia and industry settings."

2022 program reference from Albert Štěrba
2022 program reference from Albert Štěrba


Which challenges do the project SCI FI target?

Vast majority of educational institutions focus on their core purpose: basic research and education. However, career development goes beyond the pursuit of “original” knowledge. Young researchers need to build competencies of future transformers, ultimately boost their employability, competitiveness and translate their own research into key values for society.


For whom SCI FI is?

What are the objectives of SCI FI project?

The aim is to ensure that young researchers develop a broad set of competencies of future transformers creating key values for citizens such as innovative health solutions. This will be achieved through trainings, activities and mentoring sessions conducted by specialists, representatives of the academy and industry.


What are the main outputs of the project?


Do you have any questions?

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SCI_FI_Brochure_2023pdf5.27 MB

Transitioning from academic research to working in the pharma and medtech industries can be challenging. This course helps you overcome that challenge with the guidance of academic and industry partners, so that you can learn from real-life cases and have the opportunity to work with experienced mentors.

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