Various public instruments are available to support research and innovative activities at an international level. The main instrument is Horizon2020, but there are others that exist like COSME or Eureka. Education or Soft Innovation projects are supported by European Territorial Cooperation programmes or by Erasmus+, LLP and some others. Writing the project and getting the right partners on board as well as its sound implementation to achieve results is not an easy task. We support the project idea owners for the full process of the project life cycle. During the facilitation phase we are able to bring the right partners from across Europe to the consortium, including top European universities, research centres or large enterprises, which can result in an uptake of the developed Intellectual Property (IP). Additionally we offer writing of the project and management of the whole consortium during the facilitation phase. In the event the project is approved we support coordination in the complex management of interdisciplinary innovation or research project to secure delivery of high quality result as promised in the Application Form.
Our competences are:
Development of interdisciplinary international innovation and research projects
Our service starts with the identification of topics for research with the future project Coordinator/Lead Partner (LP). Our task is to evaluate the potential, select the right financial tool, develop the project idea, find partners and complete the whole application form. We work individually with each Coordinator/LP, hence the level of involvement is varied based on the Coordinator/LP needs. In regard to expertise, we have experience and the capacity to deliver winning projects using the following financial instruments:
- For the fundamental research - H2020 FET
- For applied research activities - H2020 RIA
- For innovation activities - H2020 IA, H2020 FTI, H2020 SME instrument, COSME, AAL, Eureka tools
- For support of innovation - H2020 CSA, ETC programs ( Interreg Europe, Interreg Central Europe, Danube, Alpine Space etc. - based on regional interest)
- For educational activities and Capacity Building - ETC programs, Erasmus+, LLP
Management of interdisciplinary international innovation and research projects
Management service for Coordinators/ LPs ensures that we will take care of all technical aspects of projects and manage partners to achieve results and outputs in quality and quantity as promised in Project Application form. Taking care of technical aspects of projects, Technical Assistance, covers all activities, which Coordinators/LPs need to perform, since the respective financial instrument finances the project. It comprises reporting (financial content), solving project changes, partners' requests, partners' changes, and also more serious issues with funding, partners' defaults etc. Project management is done in cooperation with members of the Coordinator’s/LP’s team and our role is defined ad-hoc for each project. The role can be purely advisory, while all management is done by Coordinators/LPs. We can also take over the full role of Coordinator/LP and fully manage the project.
Combination with sectoral competences:
These cross-sectoral competences are usable in combination with sectoral excellence in industrial areas of:
- Smart Energy
- Smart Mobility
- ICT Security
Specific Dissemination of Research and Innovation competence is usable in combination with set of services:
- Clusters and Networks
- Financing of Innovations
- Start-up and Scaling-up
- PPP, PPI and PcP
- Broadband network deployment
- Infrastructure for e-health, smart energy, smart mobility and education
Who we work with:
- SMEs and Startups
- Universities and other RTDs
- Public and Supportive Actors