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EIT Health Morning Health Talk

How startups are changing Czech healthcare: Principles of Open Innovation

The seventh EIT Health Morning Health Talks, organized by DEX Innovation Centre, the EIT Health Hub for the Czech Republic, attracted approximately 40 representatives from hospitals, public institutions, healthcare companies, and start-ups. The meeting, entitled "Open Innovation in Healthcare: Innovators ↔ Challengers", provided a space to share experiences and discuss advanced innovations in Czech healthcare.

Jaká cesta vede k úspěšné komercializaci inovací v českých nemocnicích?

Odborníci z oblasti inovací ve zdravotnictví sdíleli své zkušenosti a hledali možnosti využití perspektivních nápadů na akci EIT Health Morning Health Talks, jejíž 6. ročník uspořádalo DEX Innovation Centre jako EIT Health Hub v České republice. Letošní setkání přivedlo do Prahy 45 zástupců nemocnic, veřejných institucí, zdravotnických firem a startupů. Zahraniční hosté, Ing. Ewald Unger z Medical University of Vienna a Dr. Karen Law z Health Tech Enterprise, představili systém podpory inovací v britském prostředí NHS a přinesli cenný pohled na to, jak nasměrovat nové myšlenky k realizaci.

Experts from the healthcare ecosystem addressed how to collaborate effectively

Healthcare needs change. On the positive side, healthcare experts are open to change and want to collaborate. There is a need for innovation, changes in education, connecting needs and solutions, sustainability of funding and staffing, as well as healthy longevity or open data. The 5th EIT Morning Health Talk offered a range of topics discussed by representatives of major organisations and companies from the Czech healthcare ecosystem.


Solutions to main challenges in digital health progress in the Czech Republic discussed

Selected startups and companies pushing digital health solutions in the Czech Republic (Vitadio, Carebot and Medevio) met on 9.12. with other selected representatives of the digital health ecosystem support including Ministry of Health under facilitation of DEX Innovation Centre to follow up on outcomes of the EIT Health Morning Health Talk from this June to discuss in more details the main challenges in the Czech Republic for further digital health solutions support progress.

Despite the many challenges, the innovation in the Czech hospitals is taking off.

At the Morning Health Talk event, representatives from public hospitals, start-ups and research organizations came to HubHub Palace to discuss the engaging hospitals in healthcare innovation.

How to get digital applications into the Czech healthcare system? Czech Health experts and startups discussed at the EIT Health MORNING HEALTH TALK.

At the EIT Morning Health Talk event, representatives from public institutions, start-ups and insurance companies came to HubHub Palace to discuss the future of digitalization of the Czech healthcare system.

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