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On 12th April 2016 in European House in Prague, there was held an event on topic „RRI, Technology Transfer and Capitalization of Intellectual Property“. In morning part, there took place training program, after lunch the event continued with a workshop on topic „Conception of Technology Transfer, Current State of Art, Visions for the Future, Interactive Training“. The event was held in frame of V4Mula project.
On 8th April 2016 in Liberec was held another event in frame of RS&RC project. Generally, this project is aimed to a methodics of storytelling in the context of work with the community of people who have the same problem. In the Czech Republic, we work in this project with a group of unemployed people in age over 50 years. We cooperate with organizations Plus 50, o. s., Alternativa 50+, o. p. s. and also with professional couch Ms. Židlická from Juventa Agency.
On 12th April 2016 in European House in Prague, there will be held an event in frame of V4Mula project. Event consists from two parts – in morning part, you can attend English language training programme on topic „RRI, Technology Transfer and Capitalization of Intellectual Property“. Then, from 12:45 p. m. starts an English language workshop, named „Conception of Technology Transfer, Current State of Art and Visions for the Future“.
Project SMART4MD has successfully finished the first phase of user-centric research that included interviews with healthcare professionals and focus groups with people with memory/mild dementia problems and their carers.
In January 2016, DEX Innovation Centre (DEX IC) organized 10 individual interviews with unemployed people in age over 50 years. The interviews were organized in frame of „Raising Strong and Resilient Communities“ („RS&RC“) project.
During January 2016, DEX Innovation Centre carried out successfully a research in Liberec and Prague among patients with memory problems, their carers and healthcare professionals. The research, undertaken via focus group and individual interviews, was carried our under the SMART4MD project
In the 1st week of February, more than 40 countries and 220 cities around Europe will host Startup Europe Week. Guess which one of those 220 takes part as well? It is the city of Liberec, of course! DEX IC is proud to be the organizer and the local ambassador of this event in our city.
Our Christmas gift, as part of our 2015 CSR activities, goes to REVA o.p.s. (http://www.reva-lbc.org/) Older people in need of assistance should be supported preferably in their home environment whenever possible! Well done for your work and good luck into the future for the organization and all assistants! The DEX Innovation Centre team!